Guitar Blog

General guitar discussions and some free lessons too.

If there’s one thing most electric guitarists enjoy as much as playing (if not more so in some cases!…) it’s talking about guitars, gear and equipment related topics. ‘Tone-chasing’ is VERY popular on the internet amongst guitarists, as is craving new musical equipment/gear, a condition often referred to as G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) 

On this guitar blog page of the website I will therefore be posting plenty of material about new gear (and guitars) I’ve come across, plus posting some free lessons as well. The lesson posts will cover anything from jazz improvisation through to heavy metal guitar licks and pretty much everything in between! 

Keep an eye out as well for the posts which have downloadable content attached, such as PDF files and MP3 audio tracks. These items can usually be found below the main post text.

Some of the lesson posts in particular will be brief discussions of various musical topics that I cover in much more detail in my regular online guitar lessons (in Rock or Jazz guitar styles)

As I add to this guitar blog page I’ll also be categorising the subject matter to make for easier searching within all the posts. I hope you find some of these guitar posts useful and if you’d like to know more about any of the topics I discuss in them, then please do feel free to contact me using the Contact page.